"Like the study of science and art, accounts of historical events can be intrinsically fascinating. But they have a wider significance. I believe that people are better able to chart their life course and make life decisions when they know how others have dealt with pressures and dilemmas---historically, contemporaneously, and in works of art. And only equipped with such understanding can we participate knowledgeably in contemporary discussions (and decisions) about the culpability of various individuals and countries in the Second World War. Only with such understanding can we ponder the responsibilty of human beings everywhere to counter current efforts at genocide in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia to bring the perpetrators to justice."
"...we humans are the kinds of animals who learn chiefly by observing others---what they value, what they spurn, how they conduct themselves from day to day, and especially, what they do when they believe that no one is looking."
----Howard Gardner, from The Disciplined Mind, published in 1999

Thursday, September 13, 2007

All Is As It Should Be; or, Why Bread and Chocolate Make Neroli Cry

Will you do me an occasional favor? A friend in need is a friend indeed.


Dear reader, today was Not A Very Good Day, for all manner of reasons I won't go into here.

I worked very late and arrived home long after everyone was finished with dinner. Being the sole vegetarian in the household, it is not unusual for the rest of the family to start to eat without me. They know I'll pull up a chair with a salad bowl in hand if I'm particularly rushed for time. Tonight, out of sorts and out of time, I didn't want my usual quick salad; I didn't want to eat the same food that I'd been eating all week---food that I had cooked for myself on Sunday to warm up at work: in truth, feeling my not very good day still weighing on my shoulders, I really wished someone to make something for me.
The closest I come to this is the local Taco Bell and its bean burritos, dear reader. And so I went.
It was just one of Those Days: even my mail was not delivered properly; I know this only because a strange car pulled into our driveway in the late evening bearing a package for me---delivered by mistake to the wrong household. Inside: the starter from Bee and Jai, complete with instructions folded into a lovely card---and a container of fudge brownies.
Opening this package, and seeing this kindness, my wise friends arrived in spirit with their gifts of bread and chocolate.
On a day I most needed it, it was good to have someone fix something to eat for me.

See, I hear them say, it's just as it should be.
Thank you, my friends: it's just what was needed.
Tomorrow is another day.
Rest assured there will be a brownie in my lunch tomorrow.

Accept this tribute of my sincere regard.


bee said...

glad to hear it reached you late, but intact. have a great tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

A friend in need is a friend indeed! What better to cheer you up than chocolate fudge brownies! Look for the silver lining and you will find it. Always...sometimes it isn't so obvious at the time, of course. :-D

neroli said...

Bee, thank you---I'm planning on it ;)!

Anita, you're so right.
Of course, before the package arrived, I was reasoning the learning experience of yesterday as the silver lining---but I definitely bumped it to #2 candidate for it when the package came :)

Anonymous said...

i love how things work out like that sometimes.. your having the crapiest day ever but out of the blue someone did something so nice to turn your day around

have a good one or better one rather;)

Anonymous said...

Here is a hug for you, my friend.
((Neroli)) No chocolate, but the best I can do.

neroli said...

Wolfbaby, it's good to see you again...thanks for the encouragement.
I agree with you 100%...that "out of the blue" factor is just such a good thing!

Swampy, dear, thank you!
Hugs and chocolate carry equal weight around here!