Sweet Frida, Jean Wertz
Dear reader, how are you?
This past week has been a long and busy one here: what with work, end-of-the-semester homework, domestic and familial responsibilites, and my sojourn on the couch for a long hazy weekend of sickness. I am feeling better, and for that, I am glad, for so very many reasons.
One major reason, dear reader, involves my opportunity. It seems only fitting that I share some detail with you, no matter the ultimate outcome.
Tomorrow I will be visiting an elementary classroom in a different school district. It is a small class of children with autism. All of the students are non-verbal.
Their teacher will be leaving around the Christmas holidays. And I, dear reader, am one of the candidates to take that teacher's place.
And that, as Forrest Gump would say, is all I have to say about that.
I wonder what selections we will all be plucking from that proverbial box of chocolates before the New Year?
What do you think, dear reader?
Life really is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get! And that is that.
All the best to you,dear writer.
Oh I hope the final decision rides in your favour if you would like this position! If you get it, I'll congratulate you of course. And if not, I will still congratulate you! :-)
Dear Anita, I really love that way of looking at things. Thank you so much for your good thoughts---I will certainly draw upon them while I'm seeing what gets pulled out of the chocolate box ;)...
Dear Pel, I do thank you :)! I'm feeling somewhat as if I'm an Oscar nominee...just glad to be nominated ;)
One of the purposes of today is to see if I think that it will be a good fit for me.
In theory, yes---(you all know my interests in communication in all its forms, and my own pursuit of apt language)---but we all agree that I need to see for myself before the process proceeds further...
I love your writing!
Is the job what you want?
Go for happiness!
judi bee, I love *you*!
I was *just* thinking about you last night---it's too late to call tonight, but...
you'll hear from me soon :)
(yes, it is the job that I want. I'm going for it!)
So exciting and what a great title!! I love both of those things - Doors and Earnest!! And what a great Frida picture of version of the one in the exhibit but even ore serious.Best of luck. Hope you get it!! Surely you will - who could be better for the job? !
Dear Artist, I've visited the shop and had the pleasure to see the chocolate Frida up close and personal...as well as Munch's Screamer! Too wonderful.
Thanks for your kindness about the job. The longer I am in the running, the longer I realize the truth of all those Oscar contender quotes.."happy to be nominated!"
Dear Writer !
Thanks for the visit today. I thought of you when I enjoyed our sunset this evening...subtle tones of aqua, peach, blue, and touches of wispy white clouds...very much like the ones on your side bar.
I'll not go into my last month of activity, but it did not include much blogging. This week's activities will limit it also.
What do I think? I think you will get this box of chocolates filled with the sweet delight of those VERY SPECIAL CHILDREN and they will all benefit from your delicate way with words...the way you weave them into a tapestry of communication.
In that box you will find milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate...filled with the sweet innocence of childhood...the love that will be reciprocated...
That's what I think, dear writer.
I hope you get the job. It sounds like a challenge that you would be up for. I know I would give you the job. :)
Glad you're starting to feel better. It's getting to be that busy time of the year. ;)
Dear Swampy, I do so love it when you fly on by---your timing is impeccable :)
I see you in the skies as well, my friend ;)
Captain, you are right: it will definitely be a challenge---and I'll take all the pep-talk you can muster ;)
I can only imagine how busy parents of a not-even-a-year-old baby are as they get ready for baby's first holiday season :-D!
I'm giving thanks for such a wonderful friend - have a wonderful day with your family!
I'm thankful every day for your friendship, Artist.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving break!
the best of luck to you.
Thank you, dear Bee---these days, I need all the help that I can get ;)!
Awfully quiet over here...Hope you had a good holiday with great food...
Dear Anita, it's so good of you to check up on me...I looked at the date of the last posting and I'm surprised that it's been that long since my last posting.
We certainly did have a great holiday with good food---and the only thing that stopped me from making puris was my empty atta container :-O !
Hey, Neroli - What's the news? I miss your writing.
Dear One---thank you for your kindess to me, as always!
No news yet.
I'm hoping to be visiting and writing tomorrow---!
Dear Friend,
Where are you?
A Reader/Fan
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