"Like the study of science and art, accounts of historical events can be intrinsically fascinating. But they have a wider significance. I believe that people are better able to chart their life course and make life decisions when they know how others have dealt with pressures and dilemmas---historically, contemporaneously, and in works of art. And only equipped with such understanding can we participate knowledgeably in contemporary discussions (and decisions) about the culpability of various individuals and countries in the Second World War. Only with such understanding can we ponder the responsibilty of human beings everywhere to counter current efforts at genocide in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia to bring the perpetrators to justice."
"...we humans are the kinds of animals who learn chiefly by observing others---what they value, what they spurn, how they conduct themselves from day to day, and especially, what they do when they believe that no one is looking."
----Howard Gardner, from The Disciplined Mind, published in 1999

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

No, That's Not What I Meant

Dear reader, the New York trip was excellent, though most tiring.
As I have a paper to write that is due this week, I will not be doing much writing here for the week.
May I tell you that I brought home the most lovely gaiwan from New Man Kam in Chinatown?
It is a lovely shade of pink, one that I think of as Mme de Pompadour-pink.
It is the vessel of best fit from which to drink the rose tea also found at New Man Kam.

You can read about how to brew in and drink from the gaiwan here:
Did you mean gawain? asks Google, ever so politely.


Anonymous said...
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AfKaP said...

For those green (k)nights! Thanks google!

I have lots of neckties said...

It's no coincidence Google asks you if you meant "Gawain": they're part of a vast Arthurian conspiracy.

neroli said...

Dear Artist and Lots Of,

You are the best, the absolute best! I am glad to have you to learn from...