Our professor informed us last night that we will be responsible for presenting the rest of the chapters from one of our texts. Tomorrow night I must present my chapter.
It has not been the most productive of days: two separate dental appointments (one for me, one for Big Guy) and shuttling BG back and forth to work.
There was of course also some viewing of Bollywood clips.
We speak so much in our classes of what effective learning looks like and what effective learning sounds like.
Can you make a guess as to which model I more resemble today from the choices above?
Good answer!
Portrait of Emilie Floge by Gustave Klimt and Melancolia by Albrecht Durer make a special appearance here today courtesy of http://www.art.com
I think you must most resemble that background lighting effect in the Durer. I'm not sure I understand what it is, but isn't it lovely and interesting?
I want to let X=Y!
Min, I'm not sure that I understand what it is either! I guess it could be seen as the proverbial light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel (and it's in plain sight)
kind of thing. It is amusing to thain that if this is the case, that sunshine and rainbows were already iconic ways of speaking of positive things.
At least that's what I'd most like to resemble----otherwise, it's the gills of a rather monumental toadstool!
Artist, girlfriend---let it be so! :-)
Oh boy.
"Think!" Not "thain!"
(I can't say that ten times fast!)
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