Today I spend cozily cooking in the kitchen. Vegetarian lasagna that we all devoured: whole wheat noodles, roasted fennel and eggplant, good olive oil, parmesan reggiano, and soy Italian sausages. Spiced tomato gravy, with ground smoked almonds, chilis, garlic, cilantro, and tumeric to serve with charred sweet peppers stuffed with potatoes mashed with wasabi, lemon, garam masala (thank you Anita!) and tumeric.
Imagine me as the cheery cooky today, with a tofurkey drumstick.
Dear reader, I don't have a long post for you this week.
I know, it's only the second week that I've returned to the blogging community, to you, my dear readers and neighbors all.
You see, part of my renewed commitment to live a better-balanced, better-quality-of-life life is that Mr. X has, through that beautifully sharp double-edged sword we know as the internet, found me.
Dear reader, dear neighbor, I debated as to if I should share this; I've ultimately concluded that I should because silence has always been the bluntest of weapons.
I'm still running the trials, dear reader: figuring out what I can have and what I can't.
We'll talk about it soon.
Cheery Cooky
Mixed media on book 6.5 x 9" ©2006

happy new year to you too :)Vegetarian lasagna sounds so yum , with all those ingredients in it.
wish you a peaceful 2009 full of love and laughter, dear neroli.
Dear Pravs---you know it's a good vegetarian recipe if all the meat-and-potatoes fellows ate more of something than the vegetarian :-)
Dearest Bee---thank you...your good thoughts and kindness are most appreciated and wonderful!
Such a fabulous sounding meal must have helped with the resolution! If only this was a food blog...we could have gotten the recipes out of you!
Enjoy, dear writer!
I'll have to scratch them out, my dear ;-)
Wish you were all here to tell me how to make it even better!
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