"Like the study of science and art, accounts of historical events can be intrinsically fascinating. But they have a wider significance. I believe that people are better able to chart their life course and make life decisions when they know how others have dealt with pressures and dilemmas---historically, contemporaneously, and in works of art. And only equipped with such understanding can we participate knowledgeably in contemporary discussions (and decisions) about the culpability of various individuals and countries in the Second World War. Only with such understanding can we ponder the responsibilty of human beings everywhere to counter current efforts at genocide in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia to bring the perpetrators to justice."
"...we humans are the kinds of animals who learn chiefly by observing others---what they value, what they spurn, how they conduct themselves from day to day, and especially, what they do when they believe that no one is looking."
----Howard Gardner, from The Disciplined Mind, published in 1999

Friday, August 24, 2007

About That Avatar; or, That Bathhouse Makes Him Crazy

Our blogging friend Pelicano asked in an earlier post comment about my avatar here on Blogger. It is a still from what is most likely my favorite film from the master, Hayao Miyazaki: Spirited Away.
The image that I've chosen is one of Sen/Chihiro, the protagonist, and a character named No Face seated together.
For me, they are two sides of the same coin, one that spins close to my heart.
So, dear Pel, dear readers: if you've not seen the film, I would highly recommend it.
Here's the trailer as it appeared in Japan, followed by the scene in which my avatar image appears.
If you've seen the film, then you know exactly what a potent image it is.
Miyazaki is the master indeed.


AfKaP said...

Miyazaki is so powerful. I also love the little forest beings in Princess Mononoke, but Spirited Away is much scarier and somehow visceral!

neroli said...

Artist, I love those beings also! In Chinatown, in NYC, there is one on the ground, against a building on the sidewalk...I can't remember what street it's on (Mott? Bayard?)
but I snapped a photo of him...I'll see if I can't remember to give Snowy the photo to scan at work...as I'm still without digital camera and scanner...

neroli said...

Artist, PS---I love that you have the benefit of the experience of living with the Japanese culture to view Miyazaki!

captain corky said...

The artwork in this video is amazing. It feels so real.

Pravs said...

I have seen the first movie a long time back and was awestruck with the perfection with which the work was done and how captivating the story is.
Thanks for coming by and for the positive note :D

neroli said...

Captain, it *is* amazing! You would really enjoy the film that AFKAPW was referencing also---Princess Mononoke---you should check them out before football starts! (Hurry ;)!

Pravs, welcome! You are so right: the words "awesome," "captivating," and "perfection" fit the movie perfectly.
I'm always glad to stop by your place: you set a gracious table for your visitors, and for that I thank you so much :)!

Pelicano said...

Spirited Away. Miyazaki. I found the trailer most riveting; how very surreal; I like it. I've added it to my "must-see films list"...actually, "the must-see-as-soon-as-possible-to-satiate-gnawing-curiosity film list"!

Thanks for sharing this.

neroli said...

You're welcome!
I'm eager to hear how you like it!

Swampwitch said...

Just buzzing by to wish you a wonderful day...no time to read, watch, or listen...just wanted to touch base. When those Rocky Mountains appear in my view, I'll have time to B-R-E-A-T-H-E and soak up your wisdom, my friend.

neroli said...

My dear friend, you must be truly magical---I would be easily convinced that you were flying over the East Coast, for at the exact time of posting your comment, I was thinking of you, and doing a little back-tracking on your site: and I looked at you in your "Bald is Beautiful" photos, and felt such wisdom, such strength and joy---and I felt so glad. You've helped me to
B-R-E-A-T-H-E today.
Thank you.
Fly well to those mountains, my friend.