At one point, during a commercial break from their show, S and LG came into the hallway, stood unseen by BG and myself.
S announced, in a booming voice: The world was searching for a hero. They found two in Mega Cheeks and Micro Cheeks!
At this point, S and LG jump out into the room, clad only in their underwear, and this underwear is pulled fairly high up, exposing their rumps---much like an impromptu sumo look, or a wedgie, dependent upon one's viewpoint.
Don't look, BG, I said through my laughter. It's not pretty.
BG replies, matter-of-factly, I closed my eyes at 'the world was searching for a hero.'
Wish us luck for tonight, dear reader. More loud and mysterious things may be ahead.
kids are to funny for words sometimes LOL
Isn't that the truth?
Here at home, even the grown man behaves like a kid!
One of the things I like most about working in a K1 classroom, though, is we get to laugh a lot, because kids are too funny!
That is too funny!
By the way ... I LOVE "The Office"!!
LOL! Kids are the best! My wife is so lucky to have two of us. ;)
Sumo wrestlers are fascinating. Their size is just mesmerizing!
He-he wedgies!
Diane, did you love the season ending this year? We thought it was absolutely perfect!
Captain, you are right, as always! That's why you're at the helm.
Jessica, they are, aren't they? I can't stop thinking about momentum and economy of motion when I see them in action. (while I try not to think about their wedgies ;-)
And the ref gets to wear such a cool outfit!
That is hilarious and I love that Snowy is willing to play! (And probably behind (haha) the whole thing!
That is hilarious and I love that Snowy is willing to play! (And probably behind (haha) the whole thing!
correct as always, my friend!
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