---from Howard Gardner, The Disciplined Mind: What All Students Should Understand
I often feel, dear reader, as if in this blogosphere, I often find myself in a collaborative learning group: something I very much appreciate about this endeavor. Thank you so much for it!
Purple Worms has been holding a discussion on art over at her place, concerning a defaced statue of Mozart. Swampwitch is presiding over playtime, MI-style. Then I begin reading from one of my favorite educational theorists, Howard Gardner, and find the above quote (side note of interest/synchronicity: he goes on to give examples that embody each of those three sisters---and Mozart is given as the example of beauty), which speaks to the reference that PW made to truth is beauty, beauty is truth.
It makes me very happy, these connections.
I was somewhat surprised that Gardner used the kitschy as the antithesis of the beautiful. I've always regarded kitsch as pithy beauty: sort a zen take on baroque, or alternately, a baroque take on zen; it speaks to the referent from a different perspective, the "flip side" if you will, in a different dialect than is typical, and I like that very much. (I've become an object of amusement for Snowy at the times when I see something kitschy: I exclaim, it's so ugly that it's beautiful! and then Snowy rolls his eyes, hoping with all hope I don't bring whatever it may be home.)
Perhaps that's what Gardner was speaking to; if so, I then posit: the beauty is in the delivery.
To me, it's very much like a parlor game that allows participants to hold a conversation using only famous quotes: the quote becomes a picture, a signal, of the speaker's intent.To me, it's very much like the use of picture icons in communication systems we use to communicate with those whose language abilities differ from our own.
Communciation, in all its transmissions. The enjoyment and the challenge and the beauty arise in broadening the bands of reception, allowing for all frequencies; for their variance is the given, and not the exception.
Don't expect to hear anything: expectations are so much static. Just listen; and in so doing, the beauty is heard.
Communication begins.
What do you think?
I'm listening.
Note: I've fixed the hyperlink for exquisite corpse, and added a new one as well---dear reader, you know how I like to look at things in more than one way!
I love our conversations - you always give me so much to consider and I must think think think about this before saying too much or else I wlll be clear neither in my own mind nor my expression of opinion. I'm astounded and thrilled by the idea of kitsch as a zen take on baroque and wonder if baroque is not a zen take on kitsch. I have to think about kitsch and what it means (and do a lot but have not done so recently) - so once more unto the mountain to confer with the masters and mistresses and I'll return, I hope, with a clearer head
Artist, as do I!
I look forward to your return :)
"I wish I had said that!"
I enjoy the conversations too even though sometimes I'm a bit out of my league. ;)
Min, are you quoting me when I'm reading your words?---I think I should install a key that when I touch it, it instantly types in one fell swoop this phrase: "what Min said!"
Ask Purple Worms. She can probably show evidence to that fact in her comment boxes...;-)
Corky, we love what you bring to the table; *never* are you out of your league. You are a credit to your uniform :)!
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