As the visual is a preferred activity/modality for me, I'll start off what I've been wishing to write about, about motion and time, solitude and isolation, and how we take it--- with some visuals.
I think in this schedule of reinforcement, I'm ready to be able to engage in preferred activity.
Departure, Max Beckmann
I enjoyed the Peter Gabriel images and will have a coutnerpart posted on my blog in a couple of days (not one of my own videos but someone else's.) Beckmann is always great (even two days in a row!!)
I await your counterpart happily!
I absolutely adore Gabriel. His work is incredibly multi-modal for me; and he is an incredible performer...I've been fortunate to see him 3 or 4 times, and been amazed each and every time.
And when it came to choosing new names for BG (first, middle, last) when we were "emancipated," the name Gabriel was one of my choices.
(The angel reference just put it over the top :-)
Beckmann...what can I say? The efficiency of communication in the image is inordinate: I loved it before I even knew violence.
I love it even more now that I have known violence, and been marked by it.
But that's a whole 'nother post...
Hey...I've never seen that video of P. Gabriel's before- thanks! I do recall his video for Bigtime though, I've always loved clay-mation, especially some of those older children's films.
Do you ever listen to Kate Bush? I've been a fan since 1985 or so...she's done a few collabs with Gabriel. Her latest album, Ariel is pretty good- full of birdies! :-)
Pel, somehow I knew you would like that video!
I've always been drawn to that which seems to have the mark of the hand and of the making upon it-I guess I perseverated on those Davey-and-Goliath, Gumby, and Christmas films in my youth :-)
I like Gabriel's visual solution to the song in concert, rather than replaying the video visuals on the jumbo-tron. It's always nice to be informed with different perspectives, I think...
Kate? Yes---and Laurie Anderson, Tori Amos, and Bjork...
Pel, did you go over to the AFKAPW's place to see the video she posted as a rejoinder?
It's wonderful.
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